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Pasja w piecu wypalana

Pasja w piecu wypalana

×There is no translation available.W czerwcu zgłębiali tajniki ceramiki, a dziś można…
Bądźmy dumni z powstańców

Bądźmy dumni z powstańców

×There is no translation available."BohaterON – włącz historię!" - to ogólnopolska…
Pani dyrektor, serdeczne gratulacje!

Pani dyrektor, serdeczne gratulacje!

×There is no translation available.Wieloletnia, doświadczona i ceniona nauczycielka…
Ostrzeżenie meteorologiczne nr 122 z dnia 01.07.2024 r. godz. 05.46 – burze – 1 stopień

Ostrzeżenie meteorologiczne nr 122 z dnia 01.07.2024 r. godz. 05.46 – burze – 1 stopień

×There is no translation available.Powiat Słubicki informuje: IMGW wydał ostrzeżenie 1…
Ostrzeżenie meteorologiczne nr 120 z dnia 29.06.2024 r. godz. 22.51 – burze – 2 stopień

Ostrzeżenie meteorologiczne nr 120 z dnia 29.06.2024 r. godz. 22.51 – burze – 2 stopień

×There is no translation available.Powiat Słubicki informuje: IMGW wydał ostrzeżenie 2…
Ostrzeżenie meteorologiczne nr 119 z dnia 29.06.2024 r. godz. 12.26 – upał – 2 stopień - ZMIANA

Ostrzeżenie meteorologiczne nr 119 z dnia 29.06.2024 r. godz. 12.26 – upał – 2 stopień - ZMIANA

×There is no translation available.Powiat Słubicki informuje: IMGW wydał ostrzeżenie 2…
Ostrzeżenie meteorologiczne nr 116 z dnia 28.06.2024 r. godz. 18.40 – upał – 1 stopień

Ostrzeżenie meteorologiczne nr 116 z dnia 28.06.2024 r. godz. 18.40 – upał – 1 stopień

×There is no translation available.Powiat Słubicki informuje: IMGW wydał ostrzeżenie 1…
Która apteka czynna w weekendowe noce?

Która apteka czynna w weekendowe noce?

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Frankfurt an der Oder is a city with an interesting and important past. More than 5,500 students from 78 countries study at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Cultural Studies of Viadrina University. The university maintains close cooperation with the Collegium Polonicum in Słubice. In recent years, some well-known companies from the electronic and solar energy industry made their bases in Frankfurt, consolidating the reputation of Frankfurt as a solar city. Great transport links and proximity to the Polish border offer favorable possibilities for transport by road, rail and water.

Frankfurt an der Oder is a city of Kleist. Numerous cultural events in honor of city’s son, Heinrich von Kleist, are held there. The rich and diverse offer of cultural life of Frankfurt ranges from concerts by the Brandenburg State Orchestra, to theatrical and music events, to contemporary art exhibitions. Today, Frankfurt takes pride in sports achievements and a varied sports offer; there is a sports school and 83 sports clubs with a total of 10 thousand members. Frankfurt an der Oder has been home for an important specialized center for the development of solar in the capital region of Germany. According to the ranking of the London Financial newspaper Foreign Direct Investment Magazine, the region of Frankfurt / O - Eisenhüttenstadt is one of the 25 most favorable locations for foreign investment.

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The district of Słubice is situated in the north-western part of the Lubuskie Province bordering the district of Gorzów, district of Sulęcin, district of Krosno and the Federal State of Brandenburg in the Federal Republic of Germany, in the north, east, south-east and west respectively. The district consists of five municipalities: Cybinka, Górzyca, Ośno Lubuskie, Rzepin and Słubice. The district covers an area of almost 1,000 sq. km and is inhabited by appr. 47 thousand people. The seat of the Starost Office is in Słubice.

The border location gives the district a character and shapes the directions of development of the municipalities which comprise it. Having Germany as a neighbor, properly developed trade and services and good communication network are the factors that influence the economic activity.

The border crossings in Świecko and Słubice promote the development of companies involved in transport, forwarding and customs services. The natural values of the district – lakes, forests, diverse landscape and the richness of fauna and flora create good conditions for recreation, sports, hiking and cycling.

The area and population of the Słubice district including the list of municipalities

The Słubice district in total

999 km2 47329 19500 27829

Individual Municipalities

Municipality Area Population  
Cybinka 27 967 ha 6 725  
Górzyca 14 542 ha 4 258  
Ośno Lubuskie 19 764 ha 6 488  
Rzepin 19 099 ha 9 975  
Słubice 18 557 ha 19 883  
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SPZOZul. Nadodrzańska 6
69-100 Słubice
tel.: centrala: 95 758 20 71 do 72
sekretariat: 95 750 14 10
fax: 95 758 22 03
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Prezes Zarządu: Adam Koniuk

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d66ed233ecul. Sienkiewicza 28
69-100 Słubice
tel. (95) 755 88 01
e-mail: cuw(malpa)

Dyrektor: Bogumiła Wesołowska

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d66ed233ecul. Sienkiewicza 28
69-100 Słubice
tel./fax: 95 758 22 99
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dyrektor: Marzena Kwiek

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41bc68379cul. Al. Niepodległości 23
69-100 Słubice
tel.: 95 758 23 02
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dyrektor: Alicja Pietrzyk

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9b4680c000ul. Bohaterów Warszawy 3
69-100 Słubice
tel./fax: 95 758 22 55
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Film promocyjny Zespołu Szkół Licealnych

Dyrektor: Marzena Guźniczak

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ZSE Osnoul. Rzepińska 8
69-220 Ośno Lubuskie
tel./fax: 95 757 60 22
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dyrektor: Jolanta Kawecka - Smalec