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Pasja w piecu wypalana

Pasja w piecu wypalana

×There is no translation available.W czerwcu zgłębiali tajniki ceramiki, a dziś można…
Bądźmy dumni z powstańców

Bądźmy dumni z powstańców

×There is no translation available."BohaterON – włącz historię!" - to ogólnopolska…
Pani dyrektor, serdeczne gratulacje!

Pani dyrektor, serdeczne gratulacje!

×There is no translation available.Wieloletnia, doświadczona i ceniona nauczycielka…
Ostrzeżenie meteorologiczne nr 122 z dnia 01.07.2024 r. godz. 05.46 – burze – 1 stopień

Ostrzeżenie meteorologiczne nr 122 z dnia 01.07.2024 r. godz. 05.46 – burze – 1 stopień

×There is no translation available.Powiat Słubicki informuje: IMGW wydał ostrzeżenie 1…
Ostrzeżenie meteorologiczne nr 120 z dnia 29.06.2024 r. godz. 22.51 – burze – 2 stopień

Ostrzeżenie meteorologiczne nr 120 z dnia 29.06.2024 r. godz. 22.51 – burze – 2 stopień

×There is no translation available.Powiat Słubicki informuje: IMGW wydał ostrzeżenie 2…
Ostrzeżenie meteorologiczne nr 119 z dnia 29.06.2024 r. godz. 12.26 – upał – 2 stopień - ZMIANA

Ostrzeżenie meteorologiczne nr 119 z dnia 29.06.2024 r. godz. 12.26 – upał – 2 stopień - ZMIANA

×There is no translation available.Powiat Słubicki informuje: IMGW wydał ostrzeżenie 2…
Ostrzeżenie meteorologiczne nr 116 z dnia 28.06.2024 r. godz. 18.40 – upał – 1 stopień

Ostrzeżenie meteorologiczne nr 116 z dnia 28.06.2024 r. godz. 18.40 – upał – 1 stopień

×There is no translation available.Powiat Słubicki informuje: IMGW wydał ostrzeżenie 1…
Która apteka czynna w weekendowe noce?

Która apteka czynna w weekendowe noce?

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Full name


Room/ Telephone number


Anna Jodlińska

Powiatowy Rzecznik Konsumentów

(95) 759 20 35


The main tasks:

1) providing consumers with free advice and legal information in the field of protection of their interests,

2) submitting proposals and changes to regulations in local legislation in the field of protection of consumer interests,

3) addressing entrepreneurs on protection of the rights and interests of consumers,

4) cooperation with the appropriate local branches of the Office of Competition and Consumer organizations, Trade Inspection and consumer organizations,

5) filing complaints on behalf of consumers and joining, with their consent, proceedings already pending in cases concerning the protection of consumer interests, as well as acting as a public prosecutor.

Full name


Room/ Telephone number


Edmund Pilimon

Główny specjalista ds. kontroli

(95) 759 20 35


The main tasks:

1) carrying out the inspections in the organizational units of the district office and of district units as well as preparing documentation and follow-up recommendations

2) cooperation with external audit institutions,

3) coordinating the operation of management control and keeping records associated with it, as well as keeping records of external control, ensuring timely replies to the authorities of control and implementation of audit recommendations.


Full name


Telephone number


Józef Kłobuch

Inspektor ds. zarządzania kryzysowego

(95) 759 20 24


Mikołaj Jagła

Główny specjalista ds. obronnych i obrony cywilnej

(95) 759 20 24


The main tasks:

1) coordinating projects related to the implementation of defense tasks, civil defense and crisis management in the District Office, as well as drafting regulations, guidelines and recommendations of Starost on the above,

3) planning, preparing and agreeing on material and financial projects assigned to tasks related to crisis management, civil defense and defense,

4) participation in communication training in terms of the radio networks of cooperation and management of the Lubuskie Voivode and ensuring the communication in terms of radio network management of Starost,

5) implementation of tasks of the District Crisis Management Center,

6) organizing and conducting military qualification,

7) implementing tasks of the fire protection of the district office seat building,

8) dealing with affairs related to the organization of mass events,

9) cooperation with units of the district combined administration and other units in terms of the organization of the system of the National Medical Rescue,

10) performing tasks related to the protection of personal data and classified information.

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Imię i nazwisko

Stanowisko służbowe

nr telefonu

Adres e-mail

Agnieszka Jachimowicz

Pomoc administracyjna

(95) 759 20 15

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Full name


Room/Telephone number


Wojciech Skwarek

Inspektor ds. administrowania nieruchomością

(95) 758 56 20


Jolanta Hanuszczak

Podinspektor ds. administracyjnych

(95) 758 56 20


The main tasks:

1) ensuring maintenance of buildings and grounds in good technical condition, as well as developing repair and investment plans and preparation of contracts,

2) drafting resolutions issued by the district in matters concerning the management of property,

3) preparation of documents necessary for releasing the property in lease, rental, lending (drafting opinions, draft lists, drafts of lease, rental and lending),

4) preparation and monitoring of the operating costs,

5) preparing the data necessary to carry out the procedures for public procurement relating to immovable property,

6) keeping records of fuel purchases, organization of work, allocation of tasks and supervision over the performance of work by employees for the real estate services, as well as keeping personnel documentation.


Full name


Room/ Telephone number


Anna Karpińska-Rapcewicz

Radca prawny

(95) 759 20 23


Monika Walczyk-Jagła

Podinspektor ds. prawnych

(95) 759 20 23


 The main tasks:

1) participation in developing and agreeing on drafts of legal acts of the Council, Management Board and Starost and providing explanations and legal opinions for the Council, Management Board, Starost and organizational units of the District,

2) participation in negotiating the terms and conditions of contracts and understandings concluded by the District, issuing opinions on these contracts and understandings,

3) performing legal representation before the courts in matters concerning the operation of the District and organizational units of the District which do not have legal personality and the Starost as a representative of the State Treasury,

4) cooperation with the relevant organizational units in handling cases in the enforcement procedure regarding budget receivables of the District and the State Treasury.


Full name


Room/ Telephone number


Paweł Kowalczyk

Główny specjalista ds. inwestycji i zamówień publicznych

(95) 759 20 14


Aleksandra Waniorek-Domańska

Podinspektor ds. rozwoju i współpracy zagranicznej

(95) 759 20 14


The main tasks:

1) searching for partners for joint implementation of projects financed or co-financed from external sources and presenting proposals in this regard to the Starost and the Management Board,

2) handling matters related to the execution and settlement of projects,

3) coordinating activities related to international cooperation, including the organization and participation in meetings and projects conducted as part of agreements concluded with local communities of other countries,

4) providing interpretation during meetings and correspondence and other materials from German and English into Polish and vice versa,

5) handling matters related to the implementation of district investments, including their planning, costing, preparation of documentation and permits, opinions and approvals, monitoring of the investments, providing investment supervision, participation in acceptance commissions,

6) handling matters related to awarding public procurement contracts.


Full name


Room/ Telephone number


Krzysztof Murdza


(95) 759 20 28


Magdalena Jeżak-Tomasik

Starszy specjalista ds. kultury, sportu i turystyki

(95) 759 20 29


Wojciech Obremski

Podinspektor ds. promocji powiatu

(95) 759 20 29


Alicja Matkowska

Podinspektor ds. społecznych i oświaty

(95) 759 20 29


The main tasks:

1) preparation and dissemination of materials promoting the district, including their presentation at exhibitions, fairs and cultural events in the country and abroad,

2) organizing and co-organizing ventures on a district scale for culture, sports and tourism,

3) cooperation with the media, including the performance of spokesperson function,

4) implementation of tasks related to the care of historical monuments in the district,

5) handling matters related to the supervision of associations and foundations,

6) issuing permits in terms of repatriation of corpses and remains,

7) cooperation in the ongoing tasks of the organizational units of the District, in particular with the District Labor Office in Słubice, the District Family Assistance Center in Słubice, the District Centre of Support in Rzepin and the Education and Care Centre „Nasza Chata” in Cybinka, as well as the District Sanitary and Epidemiological Station,

8) establishment of the annual schedule of working hours of pharmacies in the District,

9) implementation of tasks in the field of schools and educational institutions for which the governing authority is the District, laid out in the Act on the Education System.


Full name


Telephone number


Małgorzata Pawłowicz -Wiktor


(95) 759 20 30

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Dariusz Śmielewicz

Zastępca Naczelnika

(95) 759 20 31


Jagoda Wasilewska

Podinspektor ds. budownictwa

(95) 759 20 31


Janusz Pabisiak

Podinspektor ds. budownictwa

(95) 759 20 31


Anita Kukiel

Podinspektor ds. budownictwa

(95) 759 20 31


Paulina Górowska

Podinspektor ds. budownictwa

(95) 759 20 31


The main tasks:

1) issuing building and demolition permits in accordance with Building Law Act,

2) issuing a decision to change building permit in the event of a significant withdrawal from an approved construction project, concerning the transfer construction permits to another party and the determination of the expiration of the construction permit,

3) accepting applications for the intention of construction, reconstruction or demolition of a building and execution of works not subject to obligation to obtain a construction permit through an administrative decision,

4) accepting applications for change of use of a building or part thereof and submitting objections and granting or denial of derogation from the technical - construction provisions,

5) decisions on the necessity of the entrance to the neighboring building, premises or a neighboring property and determining the conditions of their use,

6) issuing construction logbooks,

7) issuing certificates confirming compliance with the requirements of an individual apartment for establishing separate ownership.



Full name


Room/ Telephone number


Regina Waszkiewicz


(95) 759 20 44


Piotr Kucharczyk

Inspektor ds. ochrony środowiska

(95) 759 20 45


Michalina Ostrowska-Kucza

Podinspektor ds. ochrony środowiska

(95) 759 20 45


Krzysztof Derejsabicz

Inspektor ds. ochrony środowiska

(95) 759 20 45


The main tasks:


1) keeping lists of publicly available environmental data,

2) handling matters related to the issuance of integrated permits as well as to the release of gases or dust into the air,

3) issuing decisions on allowable noise levels,

4) exercising control over compliance and implementation of regulations on environmental protection and the specific provisions within the scope of Starost’s competence,

5) handling matters related to the issuance of water law permits and their review,

6) supervision of forest management in forests constituting property of the State Treasury,

7) issuing permits for the production of waste arising from the operation of installation, as well as issuing permits for its collection and treatment,

8) keeping a register of held and bred animals that are subject to registration,

9) issuing permits to remove trees and shrubs on municipal land,

10) issuing a decision on the conversion of the forest into farmland.